
Dictionary of the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

This classic reference book has been a standard for the past 100 years among scholars and laity alike. James Hastings, one of the most influential Bible scholars and editors of the early 19th century, assembled this massive dictionary of all Biblical terms in 1909. Written by over 75 Biblical experts and pastors, each entry has an in-depth explanation, summary, cross-references, and contributor....

—See PENUEL. —The second wife of Elkanah (1 S 1:2f.). —Mentioned only in Jer 36:23. Orientals use a reed pen in writing, and always carry a knife for the purpose of mending it. —See MONEY, §§ 6, 7. —Only AV of 1 Es 4:56 (AVm ‘portions of land,’ RV ‘lands’). This archaism is first found in the Geneva version, and is used in the original sense of ‘payment’ (Lat. pensio). —See HEXATEUCH. .—The offering of a barley-sheaf
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